Tuesday 23 August 2011

Democracy....as long as you agree with Comrade Gillard

Now I don't mind getting stuck in and saying my piece. Im a keen believer in free speech and people saying exactly what they think....its called democracy isnt it?  Doesn't Fanta Pants describe it as democracy  in the making over in Afghanistan when our diggers are killed fighting a war no one even seems to know what is for? Didnt it start as weapons of mass destruction some years ago and then waver on into the war on terror and then it was the fight for democracy in a country run by warlords for the last 1000 years......can someone just say oil and be done with it? Anyway...... Im being well and truly sidetracked!

Well, Ive been listening to old Fanta Pants, Bob Beige and that rude little bastard Albanese with regards to the convoy into Canberra yesterday. How dare Bob Beige call it a convoy of no consequence... the very task of organising that many people and vehicles is a mammoth effort, Ive been following the groups in Facebook etc and in contact with some of the people involved - how in the hell did we end up with this angry little gay man holding Fanta Pants by the short and curly's and pulling the strings running the country? 

Albanese's comments were just plain rude and showed plainly his clear lack of education - when did these MP's forget that they are there to represent the people? Since when did these MP's forget that it is the people in Australia who work their bums off making a dollar actually pay for their wages, their useless government junkets, their overpriced retirement plans and dare I say it in Thomsons case their prostitutes too! Why arent these people accountable to the very people who fork out money every week? Its beyond me and shows our country is going the wrong way down a one way road at the moment. Scary times

Gillard, Fanta Pants, The Goose in The Office, Juliar..... for once in your pathetic excuse for a leaderships time please have a look at yourself in the mirror and try one of your speeches without wincing at the complete load of bollocks that comes out of your cake hole! You too are sitting up there in The Lodge with your hairdresser boyfriend living off the tax payer, you are not some untouchable dictator - although your trying your bloody best to install yourself as a dictator! Your approval rating is at 28%. 28%!!!!! I guess you will have the dubious honour of going down in history as the worst labour leader ever - hell of a thing to be remembered by!

You knifed Kevin 747 in the back when you said you wouldnt
You are trying to give us a carbon tax when you promised you wouldnt
The steel industry is collapsing
The rural industry might as well pack up and move to Brazil - at least we are wanted there
You are borrowing over $2 billion dollars a week just to keep your circus afloat

For christs sake woman....enough is enough! Do the honourable thing and hold an election - you are not Gadaffi, you are not Fidel Castro, you wouldn't even make the chewing gum of Margaret Thatchers shoe!

I just read this letter on Facebook from Leigh Davis and wanted to share it with you all - I hope you all read it 2 or 3 times and take the time to think about it during this week. There are some very important thoughts i contained in it.

From a Convoy of No Confidence Supporter Leigh Davis.

It has been suggested to me to post my letter here to show the "Convoyers" a bit more support. I have posted to 7pm and the today pages as well as emailing sunrise. I hope this gives you all a bit more support.

I was extremely disappointed to see all the negative coverage the convoy received today. Above all else, all of these people stood up for something they believed in. How many people can say that? And I don't mean just voicing their opinion, but actually getting up and doing something about it.

Does anyone know how much money it cost for those in the convoy to participate? Thousands. And before you say "how can these people cry broke and then go and spend that money?" A lot of these people were either sponsored or used what little money they have left to fight for their beliefs. Like a very well repected young woman said (not verbatim) "she would rather spend that money now than be able to do nothing when they are broke".

To put the icing on the cake, I turned on the news this evening and saw Anthony Albanese ridiculing those taking part. Since when is it acceptable for someone in the government to carry on so unacceptably towards members of the public? Now, if the convoyers were the opposition, I would say that is normal behaviour for the front benchers, but not towards people who potentially voted them into power. Is Mr Albanese proud of his behaviour tonight, watching play backs? Would he like to be ridiculed by those "representing" him and the rest of Australia? Because now it IS his turn to be judged by those who he represents. Australia has seen his true colours and I'm sure he'll be found lacking. I also hope particular attention is paid to the PM and her pompous little smirk while Mr Albanese was ranting.

And as for calling it the convoy of no consequence, did he ever see the footage of the convoy passing through Charters Towers? Has anybody in the media looked at it? The streets were lined with towns folk. Not to mention how many took part in the drive through. None of the media seem willing to put forward the fact that a lot of people could not afford to drive the whole way, instead they played tag team with other drivers from other towns. Please note also that for every person that was a participant in the convoy, there were at least a hundred supporting them and their stance. It makes the numbers look fair bit different, doesn't it?

Now back to the PM. Where was she today? Instead of facing people representing a multitude of industries in crisis, she decides to hide behind the downfall of another industry. And surprise, one of her policies has caused this industry to fail. The difference between this and the northern cattle industry is the notice the poor people losing their jobs got. Which ever side of the fence you sit on with regard to live export, I'm sure everyone can agree the cattle industry was thrown into turmoil with no forward planning or notice, whether it was deserved or not. Julia had plenty of time today to talk to the Australians on the "front lawn", she could have fronted both the bluesteel media conference and the convoy participants. But I'm sure she knew there would be no compassion out the front. Instead she chose to stay where she could control the media and rely on them not to report "crap".

That about wraps it up for my rant. Except for my disclaimer: I too would have been an extra face in the crowd, but I have four little girls who rely on me. I have also lost faith in all media and as such will not only send this through to as many media outlets as possible, but will also post on as many websites as I can. This is not just so I can get my position out there, but so my words are not twisted into a different stance as so many people have had done to them before.

Well I guess I better sign off, please leave some comments if you agree with me.... or leave some comments if you think Im barking up the wrong tree!


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